Press Releases
Nicholas Hellen cites our Earning by Degrees report.
Students who do not study for degrees such as medicine, dentistry or technology or go to Oxbridge or a select group of top universities cannot expect the £100,000 “graduate premium” in lifetime earnings that was promised by the government, a new report says.
The Intergenerational Foundation (IF), a group that campaigns for fairness between generations, has found that many students — who could graduate with fee and maintenance loan debts of up to £53,000 — will not boost their earnings at all.
Research from the Sutton Trust shows that Oxbridge graduates enjoy an average starting salary of £25,582. Those from the top 30 universities average £21,031, while the mean starting salary for those from the less selective post 1992 universities was £18,009.
Read the full article here. (£)