Press Releases
The Independent featured new Sutton Trust findings on their front page today. Richard Garner writes the following;
One thing will remain the same after the general election whoever wins – the Commons will still be full of privately educated MPs, many of them with an Oxbridge background, according to new research published today.
A study of prospective parliamentary candidates (PPCs) in winnable seats reveals 31 per cent of them to have been privately educated – compared with a figure of just 7 per cent of the country as a whole.
“This research shows that the next House of Commons is unlikely to reflect any more social diversity than the current crop of MPs,” said Sir Peter Lampl, chairman of the Sutton Trust, the charity which campaigns for equal access to education.
The study, carried out by Dr Robert de Vries, a research fellow in sociology and social policy at the University of Oxford, also showed 55 per cent went to elite Russell Group universities (compared to 11 per cent of the country) and 19 per cent to Oxbridge (as opposed to less than 1 per cent nationally).
Read the full article here.