James Slack, Jason Groves and Eleanor Harding comment on the Sutton Trust’s analysis of Theresa May’s new cabinet on page 1 of the Daily Mail.

Theresa May was hailed last night after appointing a Cabinet containing more State-educated ministers than at any time in Tory Party history.

The new Prime Minister brushed aside the David Cameron regime in less than a day. Only 30 per cent of her top-rank ministers went to private schools – the lowest proportion for a new Cabinet since Labour PM Clement Attlee’s ministers in 1945.

Only one Old Etonian – new Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson – remains. Seven members of the new Cabinet went to grammar schools, while Justine Greening, the daughter of a steel worker, becomes the first Education Secretary who went to a comprehensive.


The appointments delighted social mobility campaigners. Sir Peter Lampl, chairman of the Sutton Trust, said: ‘I was heartened by the new Prime Minister’s declaration on the importance of social mobility.

‘She was absolutely right to highlight the importance of ensuring everyone should get as far as their talents can take them. Anyone should be able to become a minister, regardless of social background.’

Read the full report here.