The New Statesman cites Sutton Trust ‘Poor Grammar’ research in its leading article.

Nostalgia is ripe in British politics. It was evident in the vote to leave the European Union, as many saw it as a chance to reject modernity, globalisation and demographic change. It is evident, too, in the Convervative Party’s flirtation with reintroducing Grammar Schools, a policy with David Willet’s, the former Tory MP and higher education minister, has described as “bring-backery”.


Part of the problem is the difficult in designing a selection system that does not favour those with sharp-elbowed parents. The Sutton Trust has found that grammar-school pupils are four times more likely to have come from a private prep school than be on free school meals. Just three percent of those at grammar schools receive free school meals, a sixth of the national average. Devising “tutor proof” entrance exams has proved impossible. Surveys suggest that almost half of all those who take the eleven-plus have received some private tuition.

Read the full article here.