Responding to the publication of the Education Select Committee report on Careers Education, Nick Harrison, Chief Executive of the Sutton Trust, said:
“High quality careers advice and guidance is crucial to opening up opportunities for disadvantaged young people and helping them access the full range of options for education and work.
“We welcome the Committee’s recommendations and urge the DfE to implement them without delay. In particular, dedicated extra funding must be provided to schools, especially those in the most disadvantaged areas, otherwise those already struggling to balance their budgets will forego this provision. Teachers must receive training on how to deliver careers education, to ensure that pupils are advised on all the options open to them, including apprenticeships. And all secondary school pupils in all regions of the country should have access to work experience opportunities.
“The government must urgently develop a new national strategy on careers education and all schools, especially those serving the poorest communities, should be supported to offer the highest-quality provision.”