For the next guest blog in our A Fair Start? series, we hear from mum Steph Griffin-Wright. Her son, William, benefits from a council-run scheme in Camden in London to give additional nursery hours to 3- and 4-year-olds. Steph tells us about the huge difference it’s made to their lives.
William is the most confident, funny and kind 4-year-old. Going to nursery has made the world of difference to his learning and development.
William started going to the Thomas Coram Centre nursery in Camden for 15 hours a week when he was 2 years old through a government scheme. As he is an only child, I felt it was important for him to socialise with other children.
I was searching for work but couldn’t find anything that fitted around his nursery hours. It’s impossible to find work with only 15 hours when you factor in drop off and pick up, especially as a single parent – it’s very stressful. There just aren’t enough hours to make it work.
When William was about to turn three, I got the opportunity to apply for Camden Council’s ‘Camden Enhanced Offer’. It gives parents like me the opportunity for 30 hours funded childcare, rather than the universal 15 hours the government gives.
The day William started his extra hours I got a call to say I’d been successful in my application for an apprenticeship through Camden’s apprenticeship scheme. The extra nursery hours meant I could accept and I’m working in an admin role at the charity Young Camden Foundation, alongside studying for my business admin level 3.
I feel great pride that I can provide for me and William. I’m enjoying my job and learning so much. If it wasn’t for the extra funded nursery hours, I’m not sure I’d be able to work.
Parents are willing and want to work. The cycle of unemployment can be broken; it doesn’t need to be this way. We need to do everything we can to support parents to do that. Extra childcare hours allow parents to look for work and have opportunities.
I’m hugely grateful that I benefit for the extra hours with the enhanced scheme and it’s so unfair that other families, even those living a few streets away, don’t qualify because they live in a different borough. It just doesn’t make sense that it’s not available to everyone.
But it’s not just about work. William has developed many skills during his time at nursery, learns so much and is surrounded by positive role models. He can ride a bike without stabilisers and can recognise letters from his name and mine. I know he gets different experiences at nursery that he can’t get at home and it’s so vital he socialises with others.
William’s hitting all his milestones and I know that I could walk him into school tomorrow with the peace of mind that he’d be fine. Having that time in nursery means he’ll be ready for the challenge of school and as we’re already in a routine, it won’t be a shock for him.
William is happier and quickly developing his own sense of self. I’m happier too because I can provide for us. When he goes to school I’m looking to go onto the next stage of my studies.
I couldn’t have done this without the extra childcare hours. It’s time that all young children, no matter what their family circumstances, get the same opportunities for a fair start.
The Sutton Trust is campaigning for all three and four year olds to have access to 30 hours of early education. You can find out more here.
The opinions of guest authors in our A Fair Start? series do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Sutton Trust.