Press Releases
Sally Weale reported for the Guardian on A Winning Personality
People with character traits thought of as extrovert tend to come from wealthier backgrounds than their less extrovert peers as well as being more likely to have well-paid jobs, a new study suggests.
The research, published by the Sutton Trust educational charity, found that traits such as being assertive, talkative and enthusiastic are associated with higher earnings in adult life.
People with these traits, the report suggests, are 25% more likely than those who do not share these extrovert characteristics to earn over £40,000. Yet researchers for the charity, which works to advance social mobility, also found that those with these qualities are much less likely to come from poorer backgrounds.
The report, A Winning Personality, explores whether character traits which may be shaped by a child’s background could be holding disadvantaged youngsters back in their future careers.
Read her full report here