John Dunford commented on the Sutton Trust’s A Winning Personality report for the TES.
According to a Sutton Trust report, extroverts are more likely to be successful than introverts – success being defined as earning more than £40,000 per year. While we can take issue with that as a definition of achievement in life, teachers can usefully reflect on how they might support their pupils in becoming more extrovert and thus, according to the evidence, increase their earning power.
I’m interested in leadership and so, when I see a group of pupils in a school corridor or several people walking together along a street, I often play the guessing game of “Who is the group leader?” Sometimes the answer may be more than one person, but there is often one who stands out from the rest. I have never been able to isolate the factors that single out the leader – it can be the way they walk, the way they talk to the others, or the way the others look at them. I have no way of knowing whether my conclusion is the correct one, which makes the game particularly unsatisfying!
Read the full article here.