Press Releases
Our Chief Executive, Lee Elliot Major, is quoted in the Guardian’s coverage by Jessica Elgot of Justine Greening’s speech on grammar schools.
Lee Elliot Major, chief executive of the Sutton Trust, said it was clear that grammar schools were not serving the poorest third of poor children. “A child from a private prep school would be 10 times as likely as a child on free school meals to get into a grammar, so they are disproportionally serving those from the richest backgrounds at the top and not those from the poorest. If you look at today’s grammars, they are highly socially selective, and we would welcome the government’s focus on social mobility, but if they want grammars to be the engines of social mobility that is far from the case right now.”
You can read the full article here. You can also listen to Lee’s full interview on the Today Programme here, starting from 2hrs 10 mins.