Earlier this month we brought together over 120 representatives from tech employers, investors and industry partners to kick-off the Tech Future Taskforce on Social Mobility. This is a collective of tech employers and organisations who are working together to improve socio-economic inclusion in the sector. Based on clear metrics, goals and a structured activity framework to deliver measurable progress, the Taskforce aims to guide and support action amongst tech employers of all sizes, locations and industry verticals.

We were delighted to bring everyone together at Google’s London HQ to share best practice on how to create change within the sector. We were pleased to be joined by Peter Kyle MP, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology for an introductory fireside chat. The Secretary of State spoke about his own social mobility journey. He remarked that the university system at the time he was applying tried to divert those who didn’t come from a traditional background down a different pathway, and that this is now being seen in the tech industry.

He also discussed his work with schools in Brighton and Hove which enabled pupils to visit a university campus for a day, or join prominent firms and start-ups in London to get a taste of what their future careers could be. Interestingly, he said that the focus of outreach should not be on forcing young people to change direction, but instead giving them the chance to explore their potential and gain experience. This means they aren’t taking a leap into the unknown if they choose to go down a path that they’ve never seen their family or friends take before.

Kyle also noted the importance of diversity throughout all levels of an organisation, not just in hiring at junior levels, something that one of the Taskforce’s four pillars of change, ‘retention and progression’ focuses on.

We were also joined by a brilliant industry panel to discuss how tech employers can boost socio-economic diversity and widen access to careers in the tech sector. Many of the panel started by sharing their social mobility journeys and routes into the sector. It was particularly special to hear from Bianca Caratov, a Sutton Trust alum now working at Microsoft, and Mabel Ellingham, a Digital Business Apprentice at Google.

The panel highlighted the importance of outreach in schools, particularly promoting the opportunities to get into tech early for young people who may not know what these careers involve or have the confidence to take that path. The panel also spoke highly of employee social mobility networks within their own organisations, and the impact these can have on professional development and progression. They highlighted some of their personal experiences of mentoring and the importance of thoughtful leadership in enabling staff from all backgrounds to thrive.

Attendees from across the sector and social mobility organisations then came together to discuss their experiences, the barriers to taking action, current approaches that are working and how they see the Taskforce being most helpful in driving forward socio-economic inclusion in tech.

One of the major barriers flagged by attendees was labelling social mobility and the complexities of being deemed ‘working class’, particularly in such a global sector. Individuals discussed the importance of the words we use to describe people from these backgrounds and how they may identify with them. Class as a determiner was also widely discussed as a barrier to change within organisations. While gender and race are visible issues that are widely discussed, those pushing for change in the industry have received some pushback on diversity issues based on class, as it isn’t a legally defined, protected characteristic and a lack of diversity isn’t always easily visible.

While we know that measuring demographics is a key part of an employer’s social mobility journey, some attendees also flagged the need to ensure applicants and staff don’t feel like they’re being ‘put in a box’, or that they could be disadvantaged by answering.

Some mentioned that current attempts to collect socio-economic data within their organisation have had low response rates, with those from higher socio-economic backgrounds less likely to submit their data. Many believe this is due to a lack of understanding about its purpose, or distrust of what it’s being used for.

Hiring practices were also widely discussed. Poor practices such as ‘refer a friend schemes’ were raised.  Others mentioned firms offering lower salaries with an incentive of share packages, which are much less appealing to prospective employees from lower income backgrounds.

Instead, discussions about re-imbursement for travel for interviews, ensuring internships are fully paid and accessible, and loan schemes for new staff who may be making the move or taking a leap into a new industry, were all possible incentives that could be introduced by employers to ensure those looking to join the sector don’t lose out financially.

The tech sector also has differing challenges based on the type and size of organisation. Many opportunities to join the tech sector come from smaller start-ups. Some noted the assumption that start-ups are a fast-paced environment that aren’t open to diverse recruitment, with founders recruiting from within their network. It was also argued that start-ups are high risk environments, and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds can’t afford to take that risk.

Many agreed on this factor playing a big part in struggles to attract more diverse workforces in tech. While law and finance are widely understood as providing stable jobs that students from low-income backgrounds see as offering a clear path with progression, tech has an image of a riskier career. Applicants feel they can’t afford to take these kinds of financial risks, and employers feel that they can’t afford to take risks on employees based on their potential rather than their experience.

So, what can Tech Future do to support employers in increasing their socio-economic diversity? The most discussed topic was data and evidence on where these initiatives have worked in other sectors, and how this could be applied to the tech sector. Attendees flagged that we need better evidence that diversity improves profitability, and that employers will be able to recruit and retain better talent by hiring people from a more diverse range of backgrounds. Some organisations also flagged that case studies can also prove vital in making the business case. If one business can illustrate the impact that it’s had on them, other businesses are more likely to listen.

There’s clearly a long road ahead, but Tech Future offers support for employers with an earnest desire to enact change. Organisations participating in Tech Future select pledges from a menu of options for the most impactful activities to improve social mobility in tech. From enhancing their recruitment strategy to support socio-economic diversity, to creating an inclusive culture where people from all backgrounds thrive and progress, Tech Future stands ready to support the sector every step of the way.

Find out more about how you can join the Tech Future Taskforce.