MPs cite Sutton Trust research in debates on education and social mobility

The new Parliament has already seen a lot of focus on education and social mobility, even in the weeks leading up to recess. Lord Storey referred to the Pupil Premium polling in the education debate of the Queen’s Speech in the House of Lords and Lucy Powell MP cited our BCG research on the positive economic impact of social mobility. She also echoed calls for a governmental “cross-departmental plan to deliver social mobility” which was a recommendation of the APPG on Social Mobility’s ‘Class Ceiling’ report in January 2017.

Also cited in the chamber was the Trust’s research on free tuition in Scotland (Access in Scotland) which was referred to by Alex Chalk MP and Michael Tomlinson MP in an emergency debate in the chamber on tuition fees. Both MPs used the report to highlight the impact of free tuition on the Scottish higher education landscape.

As well as in the chamber, since June 2017 Sutton Trust research has been cited over 20 times in various reports and publications including in House of Commons research papers such as ‘Postgraduate Loans in England’, ‘Teacher recruitment and retention’, ‘Oxbridge Elitism’ and ‘Grammar schools’ as well as in the Social Mobility Commission’s ‘Time for Change’ report.