ITV News cited Sutton Trust research as it reported the new EEF early years toolkit.

Children whose parents take an active interest in their education from an early age are likely to make more progress than their peers. New research suggests that getting mums and dads involved in their child’s learning, such as encouraging them to read and talk together at home, can boost a youngster’s progress by almost half a year.

Engaging parents before their son or daughter starts school is valuable and is likely to have an impact on their later academic success, according to a report published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).

The EEF’s new Early Years Toolkit analyses evidence on methods of raising achievement among young children in a bid to help nurseries and pre-schools improve the learning of poor three and four-year-olds.

A previous study by the Sutton Trust, a social mobility charity, found that the poorest youngsters can be up to 19 months behind their wealthiest classmates when they start school at age five.