Sir Peter Lampl, Chairman of the Sutton Trust and of the Education Endowment Foundation, said:

“We welcome the recommendations made by the Commission on Widening Access. The report is a timely challenge to universities, schools and ministers, offering the chance to improve Scottish social mobility.

“Scotland faces a real access challenge, and it is vital that these radical measures are put in place to address it. We particularly hope that the next Scottish government introduces the independent Commissioner for Fair Access speedily so that he or she works closely with universities to ensure that disadvantaged students with the potential to succeed get the chance to do so.”


The Sutton Trust’s work in Scotland:

The Sutton Trust works with the University of St. Andrews and the University of Edinburgh to boost university access for young people from low and middle income homes through its Summer Schools. These are free, subject-specific residential courses for Year 12 or S5 pupils which give students from non-privileged homes the opportunity to experience life at a leading university and to gain an insight into what it is like to live and study as a first-year undergraduate student. The summer schools balance busy academic days with enjoyable social activities, as well as provide attendees with the opportunity to meet current staff and students.

The Trust also runs a Teacher Summer School with St Andrews. Teacher Summer Schools are completely free to attend and are aimed at teachers in schools and colleges which have relatively few students accessing highly selective universities and which serve areas of socio-economic need.