Press Releases
Our Chairman writes to The Times regarding the spiralling costs of student living.
Students from working class homes are still not fairly represented at university, particularly at Russell Group institutions, in relation to their academic ability. We should be doing all we can to widen participation. Yet, as Emma Duncan points out (Universities are deepening the class divide, 29 October), the government and universities are standing by as the cost of student living spirals out of control. She is absolutely right to argue that this is deepening the class divide.
As accommodation costs continue to rise, more and more talented young people from low and middle income homes will be priced out of degrees at top universities, especially those in London. The problem is much worse now maintenance grants have been axed. Even if poorer students are not deterred from applying by extortionate rents, debts of over £50,000 which they incur will store up major problems for them in the future.
Sir Peter Lampl, Founder and Chairman of the Sutton Trust