Similar to Key Stage 4, results were higher than the half-way point between 2019 and 2021. The average point score at A Level was down 2.8 points from last year, but still 5 points above 2019.
The disadvantage gap is at its widest level for A level and vocational qualifications since these measures began in 2016/17. The gap between those who were eligible for Free School Meals at age 16 and their classmates is more than half a grade at A Level.
The increase in this gap is largely driven by disadvantaged students with higher prior attainment at GCSE level falling behind. This has concerning implications for widening access to the most selective universities.
Reflecting results at other stages, grades dropped more between 2021 and 2022 at independent schools than the state sector. The average point score at independent schools fell from 49.4 to 45.5 at independent schools, compared to 40.9 to 38.2 at state schools and colleges.
A Level grades were highest in the South East and London, reflecting patterns in previous years. Scores actually increased in the South East between 2021 and 2022, despite falling almost everywhere else. Pupils in the Midlands and the North East scored lowest, with a particularly pronounced drop in the East Midlands.
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