Writing for the Guardian, Tanith Carey quotes Sutton Trust research in an article about parenting.
When I brought my first school report home in the summer of 1971, while I’m sure my mother was pleased to read the comment: “Your daughter reads well for her age,” I’m also certain she didn’t take complete credit for it.
So why, 35 years later, when I opened my daughter Lily’s first report with trembling hands, did I feel so nervous?
How, like millions of other parents, had I come to believe I was entirely responsible for whether my child excelled or not?
Today a quarter of schoolchildren receive tutoring, up from 18% five years ago, according to research by the education charity the Sutton Trust. From traditional one-on-one teaching to group classes and online services, the UK market alone has been estimated at £6bn per year, and to employ one million people.
Read the full article here.