Are you interested in going to university? Not sure on what subject you want to study?
Our UK Summer Schools offer you the chance to experience what university life is like.
From academic taster sessions to social activities, you’ll get the chance to meet like-minded young people from across the UK and explore a subject of your choice at a leading UK university.
Students applying to UK Summer Schools must meet the following criteria:
In addition, we are looking for students who:
The more criteria you meet, the more likely you are to get a place on the programme. Not meeting all of the additional criteria will not disqualify you.
If you are (or have been) looked after, accommodated or in care, you only need to meet the age, school and academic requirements.
Applications for the UK Summer Schools 2025 are now open!
Find out more about individual programmes – including courses, university partners and dates using the links below.
Students who attend one of our UK Summer Schools are:
more likely to apply to a leading university.
more likely to receive an offer from a leading university.
more likely to accept an offer from a leading university.
Learn more about our UK Summer School students.
The proportion of students who would be the first in their family to attend university.
The proportion of students who were eligible for Free Schools Meals.
The average number of programme criteria participants met.
The universities we work with to deliver our Summer Schools:
The Sutton Trust is incredibly grateful for the generous support that make our programmes possible. A special thanks to: