Medicine has long been recognised as one of the most difficult and competitive professions to access, particularly for those from the lowest socio-economic backgrounds. As the Government looks to train more doctors through the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, the report Unequal Treatment? looks at access to medical school today, and how best to ensure that the thousands of extra medical school places envisaged will be accessible to students across the socio-economic spectrum.
Part 1, authored by Professor Katherine Woolf, Dr Asta Medisauskaite and Dr Shaun Boustani from UCL, is a detailed original analysis of national administrative data on medical school admissions from the UK Medical Education Database (UKMED). The work examines where and how improvements in widening participation have been achieved since 2012, what the new landscape of undergraduate medical school recruitment looks like and points to lessons that can be learned from some of the changes to medical school selection that have been implemented over the last decade.
Part 2, authored by the Sutton Trust, looks back on the last decade of widening participation in medicine, from barriers in schools through to the workplace. It also looks forward, at the opportunities to improve access coming up through the implementation of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.