Image for Inequality in early years education

Inequality in early years education

…education for all young children Overview 1 blue-dark Just 20% of families in the bottom third of the earnings distribution are eligible for the existing offer of 30 hours…

Image for Closing the attainment gap

Closing the attainment gap

…social mobility Closing the attainment gap should be a priority for the next government Overview 1 blue-dark Children from less well-off homes start school already behind their classmates,…

Image for CECIL: Final Report

CECIL: Final Report

…role of implementation in early years Key Findings 1 blue-dark The CECIL programme has been valuable in demonstrating that a coaching approach can help to support the effective implementation…

Image for Global University Access and Covid-19

Global University Access and Covid-19

…on access to selective universities, but lessons to learn from other countries Widening access across the world 60% The percentage of countries surveyed which are providing additional support…

Image for Room at the Top

Room at the Top

…world. 20201120 2020 26852 26850 1 1 England leads way on access to selective universities, but lessons to learn from other countries Widening access across the world Recommendations…