Pdf is available here: https://cosmostudy.uk/publications/mental-and-physical-health https://cosmostudy.uk/publications/mental-and-physical-health 20231109 2023 1 32349 31206 30888 3…
Pdf is available here: https://cosmostudy.uk/publications/mental-and-physical-health https://cosmostudy.uk/publications/mental-and-physical-health 20231109 2023 1 32349 31206 30888 3…
…38042 1 1 36946 33880 33524 3 Medical profession out of reach for most working class students https://www.suttontrust.com/news-opinion/all-news-opinion/medical-profession-out-of-reach-for-most-working-class-students/ block-1e0f4458-f388-4593-8764-87a30ee00f1c block-a60e4b2c-0733-4a18-9168-cdd2a8ca4393 block-98ebae33-2349-4850-8b3c-092a1c16c11e 1 Key Findings navy Medical schools over time Between…
…of the student would be enhanced by this. *For Aspiring Professionals Programme alumni, you will be required to complete the same questions our Sutton Trust alumni complete at their original…
…both an independent school and Oxbridge. yellow 3 Key Findings 1 pink 63% of the cabinet were educated at fee-paying schools, while 19% went to a comprehensive and 16% attended…
…the webinar, please contact Sophie Garner (sophie.garner@suttontrust.com). 1 If you would like to he link for the livestream is below: https://zoom.us/j/95155516427?pwd=QlZtSWVUYzR4dkVaQTZaeUJXZTR2dz09 Passcode: 216978 June O’Sullivan text-center navy navy 1 navy…
…For more information or any questions about the webinar, please contact Sophie Garner (sophie.garner@suttontrust.com). 1 If you would like to he link for the livestream is below: https://zoom.us/j/95155516427?pwd=QlZtSWVUYzR4dkVaQTZaeUJXZTR2dz09 Passcode: 216978…