…309 personal statements, all of which were submitted to the same department of the same leading university by students with the same A-level results. His report is available at https://www.suttontrust.com/our-work/research….
…309 personal statements, all of which were submitted to the same department of the same leading university by students with the same A-level results. His report is available at https://www.suttontrust.com/our-work/research….
…student’s chances. The new Toolkit adds to the list of approaches that research shows are effective at boosting attainment, while comparing their relative cost effectiveness. Each of the following can…
…University. To access the Toolkit please visit: http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/. The Cabinet Office press release can be read here The policy paper, ‘What Works: evidence centres for social policy’ can be readhere…
…highlight how poorly we compare with many other countries in this regard. “We can’t afford the economic and social cost of such shocking dropout levels. If young people don’t develop…
…group, which compared the performance of children of similar high ability and similar less advantaged backgrounds attending state schools with those taking an assisted place at an independent school, found…
…comparing apprenticeships internationally and recommending a big expansion of advanced apprenticeships in England was published today. The report Real Apprenticeships is available at the Sutton Trust website at https://www.suttontrust.com/researcharchive/real-apprenticeships-2/ …