…The Solicitors Regulation Authority now routinely surveys all solicitors on their educational background. Initiatives like PRIME, a commitment to provide fair work experience in the legal sector, and the Sutton…
…The Solicitors Regulation Authority now routinely surveys all solicitors on their educational background. Initiatives like PRIME, a commitment to provide fair work experience in the legal sector, and the Sutton…
…chance to watch an operation. There will also be sessions on applying to medical school, the BMAT (biomedical admissions test) and student finances. More information can be found at: http://www.whittington.nhs.uk/default.asp?c=3295…
…form (87% compared to 65% of the comparator group) and to cement their aspirations towards further study. A summary of the main findings is attached. These will be discussed at…
…– such as computer and car ownership, and frequency of taking holidays – to group respondents into low, medium or high affluence groups. More detail can be found here: http://www.springerlink.com/content/v04u3732442nkx5k/…
…family income levels. 25% of children from the most affluent families who were surveyed said they have received some tuition during their education, compared to 15% of children from the…
…schools sponsored by the Sutton Trust. In some cases the summer schools ‘reduce completely’ the disadvantage of coming from a poorer home. The report by Dr Tony Hoare and Rosanna…