Image for Improving the impact of teachers on pupil achievement in the UK – interim findings

Improving the impact of teachers on pupil achievement in the UK – interim findings

…particular focus on teachers serving disadvantaged pupils. 905 20110921 2011 23744 Press release: Improving poor teachers would transform england’s education performance to be among the best in the world…

Image for NFER Teachers poll 2012

NFER Teachers poll 2012

…performance, with three-quarters of teachers believing that annual salary increases should be linked to performance. 885 20120504 2012 14009 Press release: Most teachers support link between performance and pay…

Image for Social Mobility and Education Gaps in the Four Major Anglophone Countries

Social Mobility and Education Gaps in the Four Major Anglophone Countries

…Anglophone countries – the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia. 879 20120523 2012 23769 Press release: UK and US Much Less Socially Mobile Than Australia and Canada…

Image for Parent Power?

Parent Power?

Report Overview This report uses YouGov polling to present a fascinating insight into the extent to which professional parents are able to gain an advantage over other families in the…