Image for Intergenerational Mobility in Europe and North America

Intergenerational Mobility in Europe and North America

…Press release: Disturbing finding from LSE study – social mobility in Britain lower than other advanced countries and declining Key Findings 1 pink 1 International comparisons indicate that intergenerational…

Image for Low Income and Early Cognitive Development in the U.K.

Low Income and Early Cognitive Development in the U.K.

…Trust by Jane Waldfogel and Elizabeth Washbrook on educational inequalities in the early years. 950 20100211 2010 23647 Press release: Poorer children a year behind at start of school…

Image for The Mobility Manifesto

The Mobility Manifesto

A report on cost-effective ways to achieve greater social mobility through education, based on work by the Boston Consulting Group. 0 946 20100302 2010 23646 1 0…

Image for NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus November 2010 Survey – The Government’s education reforms

NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus November 2010 Survey – The Government’s education reforms

…asked about the Coalition Government’s education reforms. 911 20110421 2011 23731 Press release: Less than 10% of teachers think government school reforms will improve outcomes for less privileged children…