Image for Degrees of Debt

Degrees of Debt

…Press release: English students face highest graduate debts, exceeding Ivy League average Peter Lampl: At debt’s door Key Findings 1 pink 1 The typical English student faces debts…

Image for Developing Teachers

Developing Teachers

…political parties to improve professional training for teachers Lee Elliot Major: Making teacher development work Recommendations 1 light-green 1 Establish a strong entitlement for all teachers and school…

Image for 25 Years of University Access

25 Years of University Access

…29542 28453 3 Little progress in opening up top universities to poorer pupils in 25 years 3 Key Findings 1 pink Over the last 25 years there has been…

Image for Closing the attainment gap

Closing the attainment gap

…social mobility Closing the attainment gap should be a priority for the next government Overview 1 blue-dark Children from less well-off homes start school already behind their classmates,…

Image for CECIL: Final Report

CECIL: Final Report

…role of implementation in early years Key Findings 1 blue-dark The CECIL programme has been valuable in demonstrating that a coaching approach can help to support the effective implementation…

Image for Going Further

Going Further

…students in FE colleges are more likely to progress to university than their disadvantaged peers in similar sixth forms Going Further: extending the pupil premium to post-16 settings…