…both an independent school and Oxbridge. yellow 3 Key Findings 1 pink 63% of the cabinet were educated at fee-paying schools, while 19% went to a comprehensive and 16% attended…
…both an independent school and Oxbridge. yellow 3 Key Findings 1 pink 63% of the cabinet were educated at fee-paying schools, while 19% went to a comprehensive and 16% attended…
…the webinar, please contact Sophie Garner (sophie.garner@suttontrust.com). 1 If you would like to he link for the livestream is below: https://zoom.us/j/95155516427?pwd=QlZtSWVUYzR4dkVaQTZaeUJXZTR2dz09 Passcode: 216978 June O’Sullivan text-center navy navy 1 navy…
…For more information or any questions about the webinar, please contact Sophie Garner (sophie.garner@suttontrust.com). 1 If you would like to he link for the livestream is below: https://zoom.us/j/95155516427?pwd=QlZtSWVUYzR4dkVaQTZaeUJXZTR2dz09 Passcode: 216978…
…public backs investment to improve social mobility https://www.suttontrust.com/news-opinion/all-news-opinion/british-public-backs-investment-to-improve-social-mobility/ Ahead of the General Election, do the British public think opportunities in society are open to all? https://www.suttontrust.com/news-opinion/all-news-opinion/ahead-of-the-general-election-do-the-british-public-think-opportunities-in-society-are-open-to-all/ 63% The proportion of…
…from lower SEB, compared with 17% of accountants and 15% of management consultants. However, these percentages all indicate low diversity compared with the wider workforce, where in this dataset 29%…
…we improve representation in the Commons? With the privately educated so over-represented in politics, what can be done to level the playing field? Improving political education in comprehensive schools is…