…Commission has faced a gradual emasculation since the 2015 election. It first lost its child poverty role. Then the Scots bailed out. Commissioners who left weren’t replaced so that by…
…Commission has faced a gradual emasculation since the 2015 election. It first lost its child poverty role. Then the Scots bailed out. Commissioners who left weren’t replaced so that by…
Sir Peter Lampl was quoted by Jim Pickard of the Financial Times in his online coverage of the resignation of Alan Milburn and his social mobility commissioners. Theresa May has…
The Social Mobility Commission’s ‘State of the Nation’ report highlights the “hotspots” and “cold spots” for social mobility found in all regions. Commenting on the findings, Sir Peter Lampl, Founder…
…with councils, communities and employers to improve social mobility. The Sutton Trust has also called for a comprehensive Social Mobility plan, and the call was one of the recommendations in…
…chosen out of an incredibly competitive applicant pool; over 1,000 students competed for a place on the programme. See full list of participants. We were impressed by the applicants’ academic…
Commenting on the Social Mobility Commission’s research into the class pay gap, Dr Lee Elliot Major, Chief Executive of the Sutton Trust, said: “We know too well that graduates from…