…from lower SEB, compared with 17% of accountants and 15% of management consultants. However, these percentages all indicate low diversity compared with the wider workforce, where in this dataset 29%…
…from lower SEB, compared with 17% of accountants and 15% of management consultants. However, these percentages all indicate low diversity compared with the wider workforce, where in this dataset 29%…
…we improve representation in the Commons? With the privately educated so over-represented in politics, what can be done to level the playing field? Improving political education in comprehensive schools is…
Commenting on today’s report on grammar schools from the Education Select Committee, Sir Peter Lampl, Founder and Chairman of the Sutton Trust and Chairman of the Education Endowment Foundation, said:…
Sir Peter Lampl, Chairman of the Sutton Trust and of the Education Endowment Foundation, said: “Alan Milburn and his commission are absolutely right to urge ambitious measures to boost social…
…socially selective schools in the country, 91 were comprehensives, eight were grammars and there was one secondary modern. The 100 comprehensive schools with the least advantaged intakes seem to be…
Students from comprehensive schools are likely to achieve higher class degrees at university than independent and grammar school students with similar A-levels and GCSE results, a major study commissioned by…