…Poverty Commission report urges even more ambitious targets to improve the country’s low social mobility levels. Universities in England spend over £120 million a year on outreach programmes. Much of…
…Poverty Commission report urges even more ambitious targets to improve the country’s low social mobility levels. Universities in England spend over £120 million a year on outreach programmes. Much of…
Katherine Sellgren reported for BBC News on the Private Pay Progression research brief. Privately educated UK graduates in high status jobs earn more than their state school counterparts, says a…
…tuition fees. Read the full article here. The report was also featured on BBC TV News, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 5 Live and local stations, and on Sky News…
The Press Association quoted Sir Peter Lampl in its coverage of a new OFFA access report, carried by over 100 news outlets. The number of students who received financial help…
…By contrast, the figure for the population as a whole is just 7%. Read the PA report, used by many local and national news sites, at BT.com news here. …
…— judges, news editors and politicians — would come from all social backgrounds, not just the lucky few with parents able to afford school fees. Read the original article here….