Image for Measuring Disadvantage

Measuring Disadvantage

…Commonly used markers of disadvantage ‘not effective’ at identifying low-income students Key Findings 1 pink 1 The number of years a child has been eligible for free school meals…

Image for Parental Engagement Network (PEN)

Parental Engagement Network (PEN)

…20171124 2017 24666 4 Supporting parents can boost home learning Key findings 1 pink 1 The analyses showed a significant effect of the intervention on the children’s Home Learning…

Image for Academic Assets

Academic Assets

…Most UK university endowment funds fail to grow as US funds increase by a quarter in a decade Conor Ryan: Endowments could help postgraduate students 1 Key Findings…

Image for Shadow Schooling: Private tuition and social mobility in the UK

Shadow Schooling: Private tuition and social mobility in the UK

…despite being amongst those who would benefit the most. 7889 20160907 2016 23622 2 Press Release: Four in ten teachers have been private tutors Philip Kirby: In the Shadows…

Image for Parliamentary Privilege – The MPs 2015

Parliamentary Privilege – The MPs 2015

…(Independent Exec) End of Eton? (Channel 4 News) 3903 20150509 2015 27973 1 Press release: Half of new cabinet was privately educated Conor Ryan: A Comprehensive Commons 1…

Image for Closing the attainment gap

Closing the attainment gap

…social mobility Closing the attainment gap should be a priority for the next government Overview 1 blue-dark Children from less well-off homes start school already behind their classmates,…