…apply to either the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge – in some cases because they thought their students would be unhappy there – a proportion that has…
…apply to either the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge – in some cases because they thought their students would be unhappy there – a proportion that has…
…what they see as a second-rate state education, said Neil Roskilly, who represents headteachers of nearly 400 private schools. He said parents were already using them as “insurance” in case…
…income and likelihood of grammar entry in each IDACI quintile. In any case, at a political level, given the strength of opposition on the Conservative benches, there is no guarantee…
…we saw an unforgettable demonstration lead by RVC leaders who work in the food production industry. Others sessions included a Clinical case studies session, horse anatomy practical with live horses…
…case? It can be explained in part by the focus on sport at many independent schools: their pupils are more likely to benefit from ample time set aside for sport,…
…pupils – those eligible for pupil premium funding – who benefitted most at these ‘curriculum change schools’, essentially because students who were had average or in some cases, below average,…