Image for Ballots and Banding

Ballots and Banding

…20140227 2014 23779 Press release: Ballots and banding on the rise, especially in academies, as schools seek fairer intakes Conor Ryan: Ballots and banding Key Findings 1 pink…

Image for Sound Foundations

Sound Foundations

…Press release: Delay expansion of free places for two year-olds or children will not get the full benefit Laura Barbour: Why Sound Foundations matter to social mobility Key…

Image for Fair opportunity for all

Fair opportunity for all

…British public backs investment to improve social mobility Recommendations for next government 1 pink Early years Equalise access to funded early education. Equal access to at least 20 hours…

Image for Educating the Highly Able

Educating the Highly Able

…Pamela Robinson, Centre for Education and Employment Research, University of Buckingham. 1437 20120709 2012 23763 1 Press release: England ranks 26th out of 34 OECD countries for highly able…