Image for 2016 Newsletters

2016 Newsletters

Keep up to date with the latest news on social mobility and education via our Monthly Update. Click the links below to view past editions of the newsletter. Click the…

Image for A Class Act

A Class Act

…film and music. 20241113 37011 37020 1 1 Research reveals stark class inequalities in access to the creative industries block-565d03b9-624d-489d-9c56-5ef7a361d03f block-6f7dc9af-e8ad-44f7-b28a-f6274cdbc6e6 block-71ff527e-9a0f-445a-be5a-4f336871ffee 14276 26309 28453 3 block-7877ff99-04f1-4db9-8143-4224be852d38 1 navy…

Image for Most teachers support link between performance and pay

Most teachers support link between performance and pay

…jobs. Almost two-thirds (64%) agreed that teachers should have a professional body in the same way as accountants, doctors and lawyers do, while only 13% disagreed. [1] [2]…

Image for MORI Parents’ Survey 2004

MORI Parents’ Survey 2004

…parents throughout Great Britain who were interviewed in more than 200 areas. 1099 20040531 2004 23663 Press release: Half the country would send their children to private schools 1…