…performance is a news editor’s nightmare: stable, unchanging and middle of the international pack. Yet England’s test results for 15 year olds in maths, reading and science are significantly higher…
…performance is a news editor’s nightmare: stable, unchanging and middle of the international pack. Yet England’s test results for 15 year olds in maths, reading and science are significantly higher…
BBC News’ Judith Burns cites findings from our Gaps in Grammar report. “There is a strong indication that families on below average earnings are not being helped by the current…
Sir Peter Lampl wrote for the i newspaper on the PISA results Governments around the globe await the three-yearly PISA results with bated breath. They tell us how well our…
…has fallen in the north-east. Those extra-curricular maths lessons won’t pay for themselves. …. Read the full article here. There was also coverage in the Daily Mail and inews …
Rosemary Bennett cites Sutton Trust research on private tuition in a Times news article. Laid-back northern mothers should follow the example of their pushy southern sisters if they want their…
…all High Court and Appeals Court judges, nearly three quarters attended private schools, as did over half of the top 100 news journalists and over two-thirds of British Oscar winners….