Image for Oxbridge Admissions

Oxbridge Admissions

…2016 25946 1 Press release: Sutton Trust calls for Oxbridge to streamline ‘intimidating and complex’ admissions process Sir Peter Lampl: Oxbridge Admissions Recommendations 1 pink 1 Oxford and…

Image for A Winning Personality

A Winning Personality

…20160114 2016 23733 1 Press release: Extroverts are less likely to come from poorer backgrounds, and more likely to earn over £40,000 Robert de Vries: Out of Character…

Image for Earning by Degrees

Earning by Degrees

…and creative arts; biological sciences; and history and philosophy. 2967 20141217 2014 23750 2 Press release: Studying at Oxbridge earns you £7,600 more than studying at a new university…

Image for Social Selection on the Map

Social Selection on the Map

…these should not apply to pupil premium eligible students. The government should hold schools accountable for the fairness of their admissions policies. School admissions policies should be better regulated, with…

Image for News & Opinion

News & Opinion

0 344 352 867 3 1 Media enquiries If you’re a journalist with a question about our work, get in touch with Sam or Rocky on the number below. The…

Image for International inequalities

International inequalities

…least advantaged five year olds biggest in the US, but UK still lags behind Canada and Australia Key Findings 1 pink 1 Educational inequalities are large in the UK,…