Image for School Closures Parent Polling

School Closures Parent Polling

…2020 25863 Most parents don’t feel confident about teaching their child at home Key Findings 1 pink 1 Only 42% of parents feel confident home-schooling their children: 47% of…

Image for Comprehensively Fair: Consultation

Comprehensively Fair: Consultation

…country. But to do this, we need your help. By taking part in our short consultation, your responses will inform the direction of our work over the next few months….

Image for Growing fee fears among young people

Growing fee fears among young people

…is badly in need of reform. It is outrageous that someone from a council estate should pay more than someone from a top boarding school. This reform should include means-testing…

Image for Response to SMC ‘Time for change’ report

Response to SMC ‘Time for change’ report

…to improve social mobility. A full copy of the report will be available to download at MEDIA COVERAGE Decades of policies have failed to shift social mobility (I News)…

Image for New OFFA guidance on evaluating outreach

New OFFA guidance on evaluating outreach

…TO EDITORS ‘Improving the evaluation of outreach: interview report’ and ‘The evaluation of the impact of outreach: proposed standards of evaluation practice and associated guidance’ can be accessed here:…