…Lee Elliot Major may be found here. The transcript showing School Minister Nick Gibb MP’s comments in reference to the Sutton Trust may be found here. The transcript showing Shadow…
…Lee Elliot Major may be found here. The transcript showing School Minister Nick Gibb MP’s comments in reference to the Sutton Trust may be found here. The transcript showing Shadow…
Writing for The Independent, Louis Dore reports on Sir Michael Wilshaw’s comments at the Sutton Trust and Education Endowment Foundation Summit. The head of Osted has said that “feckless” parents…
…However, the report also shows that in secondary education, independent school teachers are more likely than state school teachers to possess a postgraduate degree. In many subjects, including the shortage…
…peers. 23% of pupils eligible for the pupil premium were entered for the EBacc, compared with 45% of all other pupils. This gap persists even among the most able pupils….
…explain why this week’s Comres poll for ITV showed that only 7% of the public saw ‘improving the education system’ as a big priority for government, ranking it last behind…
…oasis of calm as I could wish for on a Sunday morning. With two minutes to go before the weekly visit of the tutor, it was a race against time…