…country. But to do this, we need your help. By taking part in our short consultation, your responses will inform the direction of our work over the next few months….
…country. But to do this, we need your help. By taking part in our short consultation, your responses will inform the direction of our work over the next few months….
text-center Our interactive map offers rich insights into the socio-economic makeup of school intakes across England. 1 block-a1034cc5-1c7e-4c7b-a298-f81e45ccb3a1 block-c851dba5-4e9d-4d65-bd67-2033fa5941c4 block-4a540422-773a-4301-8db9-6dd8f8e2aaaa block-35e432e4-ca5c-4b49-ab59-241097415ec1 1 Our research has shown that many high performing…
…national heroes coming from comprehensive and other state schools. “But alumni of private schools are still over-represented among our medalists. Although some state schools have improved support for competitive sport…
…Selective Comprehensives 2024 report finds that, on average, pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) are less likely to attend a top performing comprehensive even if there is…
…in school leaders reporting spending cuts, with primary schools hit hardest by funding pressures https://www.suttontrust.com/news-opinion/all-news-opinion/sharp-increase-in-school-leaders-reporting-spending-cuts-with-primary-schools-hit-hardest-by-funding-pressures/ Balancing budgets: Schools forced to make increasing cuts to staff and activities amid funding crisis…
…20240915 2024 36722 36723 1 14235 30746 28975 3 https://www.suttontrust.com/news-opinion/all-news-opinion/teachers-value-l…ils-life-chances/ 96% The proportion of teachers who think life skills are as or more important than formal qualifications yellow 1…