…are reformers wanting to introduce more competition between schools, common test scores and teacher evaluations that distinguish genuinely between good and poor performers. On the other are the skeptics, backed…
…are reformers wanting to introduce more competition between schools, common test scores and teacher evaluations that distinguish genuinely between good and poor performers. On the other are the skeptics, backed…
…students obtained a First or Upper Second class degree (the usual requirements for pursuing a postgraduate course) in 2008 compared with 64% of state educated students. However, comparing like-for-like students…
…for average attainment at each school. The analysis of 750,000 destinations from 2,343 secondary schools shows a strong link between the average results of A-levels and equivalent exams at a…
Commenting on the OECD Education At A Glance report findings on social segregation in the UK, Sutton Trust chair Sir Peter Lampl said today: “These findings bear out recent Sutton…
…believed that the Government was wrong to scrap the Education Maintenance Allowance, and consideration should be given to new ways of funding an alternative. “We share Alan Milburn’s concern about…
Commenting on today’s OFFA guidance for 2014-15 university access agreements, Sir Peter Lampl, chair of the Sutton Trust and of the Education Endowment Foundation said: OFFA is right to urge…