Image for Britain is ‘deeply elitist society’

Britain is ‘deeply elitist society’

…them may not understand the daily issues facing people from different backgrounds, according to the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission. … Lee Elliot Major, director of policy and development

Image for Education is just the job for NEETS

Education is just the job for NEETS

…couldn’t forget this frighteningfact when Andreas published his latest edition of Education at a Glance, the compendium of international education statistics, on Tuesday. His report showed that young people in…

Image for Real choice for the squeezed middle

Real choice for the squeezed middle

Sir Peter Lampl says that a system of real apprenticeships could help young people in the squeezed middle Today’s report from Alan Milburn’s Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission suggests…

Image for Ballots and Banding

Ballots and Banding

…a significant minority, particularly in urban areas including London, the admissions system will have been fraught with anxieties and complexity. Today’s London School of Economics report for the Trust, Ballots…