…“Initiatives like National Apprenticeships Week are welcome and can do much to raise awareness of and dispel myths about apprenticeships but we need to do much more. Most importantly we…
…“Initiatives like National Apprenticeships Week are welcome and can do much to raise awareness of and dispel myths about apprenticeships but we need to do much more. Most importantly we…
…aspects of social policy, from education to the labour market to the benefits system. In the two decades since early years’ campaigners achieved their goal of securing free nursery education…
…young people say they are worried about the cost of higher education, with these concerns particularly pronounced among young people from the poorest backgrounds. The rise in tuition fees and…
…believe that good quality apprenticeships can be important vehicles for social mobility, which is why we’ve spent the past year campaigning for #BetterApprenticeships. We launched our campaign during National Apprenticeship…