…premium funding was. The most common priority for spending, identified by over a quarter of teachers (28%), was on early intervention schemes. 13% said that more 1:1 tuition was a…
…premium funding was. The most common priority for spending, identified by over a quarter of teachers (28%), was on early intervention schemes. 13% said that more 1:1 tuition was a…
Kevin Stannard cited Sutton Trust research on teaching practice in the Times Educational Supplement. All too often this “pedagogical praxis” is missed when we discuss the make-up of top teaching…
…office in 2014. Her predecessor, Michael Gove, had enraged teachers and their unions (which he christened the “blob”, after a monster from a 1958 science-fiction film) with his shake-up of…
…benefit from a series of school visits, project days, campus visits and academic support provided by the University of Nottingham’s community learning hubs. Students will also receive advice on their…
…in the least advantaged fifth of schools said their pupils were well-behaved compared with 96% in the most advantaged fifth. They also reported spending less time teaching and more time…
…compared with 96% in the most advantaged fifth. They also reported spending less time teaching and more time on classroom management. The new polling commissioned for today’s summit from the…