Image for Closing the attainment gap

Closing the attainment gap

…social mobility Closing the attainment gap should be a priority for the next government Overview 1 blue-dark Children from less well-off homes start school already behind their classmates,…

Image for The Recent Evolution of Apprenticeships

The Recent Evolution of Apprenticeships

…Decline in young people from low-income backgrounds taking up apprenticeships The Recent Evolution of Apprenticeships 28582 28346 26029 3 25% Apprenticeship starts fell by almost a quarter between…

Image for Parliamentary Privilege – The MPs 2015

Parliamentary Privilege – The MPs 2015

…(Independent Exec) End of Eton? (Channel 4 News) 3903 20150509 2015 27973 1 Press release: Half of new cabinet was privately educated Conor Ryan: A Comprehensive Commons 1…