Image for Academic Assets

Academic Assets

…Most UK university endowment funds fail to grow as US funds increase by a quarter in a decade Conor Ryan: Endowments could help postgraduate students 1 Key Findings…

Image for The Recent Evolution of Apprenticeships

The Recent Evolution of Apprenticeships

…Decline in young people from low-income backgrounds taking up apprenticeships The Recent Evolution of Apprenticeships 28582 28346 26029 3 25% Apprenticeship starts fell by almost a quarter between…

Image for Parental Engagement Network (PEN)

Parental Engagement Network (PEN)

…20171124 2017 24666 4 Supporting parents can boost home learning Key findings 1 pink 1 The analyses showed a significant effect of the intervention on the children’s Home Learning…

Image for Personal Statements

Personal Statements

0 Personal Statements Personal statements have been a vital part of the university application process for decades, enabling students to display their own talents and experiences outside of their grades….

Image for Coding + Creativity = Careers?

Coding + Creativity = Careers?

…which are rapidly rebalancing their curriculum to marry knowledge with creativity and skills. I have always felt that the creativity v knowledge battle in education was something of a phoney…