…led by not- for- profit organisations, aimed at improving children’s cognitive development through parental engagement, for up to three years. It will complement the work of the Education Endowment Foundation…
…led by not- for- profit organisations, aimed at improving children’s cognitive development through parental engagement, for up to three years. It will complement the work of the Education Endowment Foundation…
…our programmes – long in the planning – come to fruition, thanks to the hard work of the university staff, teachers, student mentors and others who make it all happen….
…chance to watch an operation. There will also be sessions on applying to medical school, the BMAT (biomedical admissions test) and student finances. More information can be found at: http://www.whittington.nhs.uk/default.asp?c=3295…
…Higher Education will also be given preference. Anyone interested should call 0208 788 3223 for further details or apply on-line atwww.suttontrust.com. The deadline for applications is Friday 2nd March 2007….
…an investee or a contributor, please go to www.impetus.org.uk. The research uses a common instrument to measure behaviour (the parent-reported Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire – SDQ), comparing behaviour problems for…
…– such as computer and car ownership, and frequency of taking holidays – to group respondents into low, medium or high affluence groups. More detail can be found here: http://www.springerlink.com/content/v04u3732442nkx5k/…