…and Vice Chancellors) a clear fundraising role, and appoint development professionals at the most senior levels Publish more systematic and transparent reporting to monitor fundraising performance 1053 20061201 2006 23686…
…and Vice Chancellors) a clear fundraising role, and appoint development professionals at the most senior levels Publish more systematic and transparent reporting to monitor fundraising performance 1053 20061201 2006 23686…
…schools in the country – have backed Open Access and we are working with a number of Heads on their further development. Government policy 1 As well as discussions with…
…for social mobility?’ Chaired by our CEO, Nick Harrison, we welcomed Shadow Education Minister, Gagan Mohindra MP; Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza; and the Centre for Social…
…years pupil premium is a highly positive development. This brings funding support for disadvantaged young children closer to the level provided in schools, and will help to incentivise early years…
…while at comprehensives the increase was 1.9 percentage points (up to 22%), and at academies only 1.4 percentage points (up to 25.4%) We also don’t yet have data to compare…
…the public purse is threadbare and there are a number of competing pressures on the Chancellor – but, instead of tax giveaways, implementing a combination of these measures would go…