What is the Tech Future Taskforce?

The Tech Future Taskforce is a collective of tech employers and organisations who are working together to improve socio-economic inclusion in tech. Tech Future is based on clear metrics, goals and a structured activity framework to deliver measurable progress. We are here to guide and support action amongst tech employers of all sizes, locations and industry verticals.

The tech sector is more elitist than Law and Finance. Just 9% of tech employees coming from lower socio-economic backgrounds, compared to 29% in Finance and 23% in Law and around 40% of the wider UK population. We want to create a future where people across the UK, irrespective of their socio-economic background, have the knowledge, inspiration and opportunity to convert tech career aspirations into tech career success.

By addressing socio-economic inclusion, we’ll help other areas of inclusion practice by engaging overlooked populations in our current and future tech talent pipeline, whilst also helping employers and investors to unlock diverse talent across the UK, enhancing market competitiveness.

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Our four pillars of change

Tech Future is based on clear metrics, goals and a structured action framework to deliver measurable progress. In order to drive change in the tech sector, we ask employers in Tech Future to take action across four change pillars. You can use our Employer Activity Framework to guide your action across these pillars. You can also join our dedicated employer working groups to learn from other organisations and share ideas and solutions on how to improve on each pillar:

Engagement and outreach

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Engagement and outreach

Engagement and outreach from industry to community makes tech careers visible. This pillar is focused on ensuring that tech careers are part of career choice architecture for all. People will only aspire to and prepare for tech careers if they receive exposure to and information about tech jobs. Outreach and engagement is about driving tech career inspiration, aspiration and knowledge for people who are in the process of making education and early career decisions.

The core metric we’re tracking for this change pillar is: number of people from lower socio-economic backgrounds who have accessed a tech career experience (including insight days or work experiences).

Access and opportunity

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Access and opportunity

Access and opportunity to tech careers are created when talent practices and strategies actively include people from all socio-economic backgrounds. This change pillar is about seeking out and engaging prospective talent that might be missed, and removing unintentional blockers that direct them away from tech careers.

The core metric we’re tracking for this change pillar is: number and percentage of people from low socio-economic backgrounds that have been offered a tech role.

Retention and progression

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Retention and progression

The retention and progression of tech employees is key to making tech occupations a career destination of choice. Tackling attrition and career stagnation ensures that tech employers develop and retain the skills and institutional knowledge in their teams that help drive innovation and quality. This change pillar is about ensuring that tech teams and employers have set their people up to thrive and excel, feeding a virtuous cycle of employee performance and employee experience.

The core metric we’re tracking for this change pillar is: number and percentage of people from low socio-economic backgrounds at the senior-most level of the organisation who are from low socio-economic backgrounds.


Data and measurement

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Data and measurement

Data and measurement drives awareness, urgency, action and learning. Data-driven insight helps us understand barriers to socio-economic diversity and unlock more effective solutions. This change pillar is about using data on socio-economic diversity to guide the practices of employers and policymakers to create better tech career outcomes for people from all socio-economic groups. This change pillar includes the collection of socio-economic diversity data in tech so that progress can be measured at an individual company level and at a sector level.

The core metric we’re tracking for this change pillar is: number of organisations who are tracking socio-economic diversity in their tech workforce.

What you’ll do as a member of the Tech Future Taskforce

Options for action

Tech Future is for companies that have an earnest desire to making change, whether that's through employee networks, your HR or People function or at a strategic and systemic company level. Because we are action-focused, we ask our employers to choose four out of the six of the pledges below, with one of them being a charitable donation to the initiative and another being to identify a senior sponsor. You can choose the other commitments and we will help you deliver on them. We're set up in a way that gives you flexibility to work on the aspects of socio-economic diversity that make sense for your specific organisation.

Appoint a senior sponsor responsible for your Tech Future Taskforce participation commitments

Appoint a senior sponsor responsible for your Tech Future Taskforce participation commitments

We want to ensure you have serious commitment to the Taskforce and so we ask all participating employers to have a senior sponsor that holds you accountable to your Tech Future commitments. This person should sit at an appropriately senior level to be able to approve the allocation of resource and to be able to influence People strategy for tech workers at the UK level.

Delivering tech career engagement activities to young people from low social mobility groups

Delivering tech career engagement activities to young people from low social mobility groups

This pledge relates to our Change Pillar on Engagement and Outreach. The core metric we’re tracking is the number of people from lower socio-economic backgrounds who have accessed a tech career experience, including insight days or work experiences. If you select this as one of your pledges, we’ll ask you to measure how many young people from low socio-economic backgrounds you have given a tech career insight experience to.

If you choose this pledge:

  • We can support you with our Employer Activity Framework.
  • Help you learn and collaborate with other employers who are doing the same through our working groups.
  • Connect you to organisations who can help you organise and connect with these target groups.

Enhancing your recruitment strategy to support socio-economic diversity

Enhancing your recruitment strategy to support socio-economic diversity

This pledge is based on our Change Pillar: Access and Opportunity. It focuses on improving recruitment and talent acquisition pathways and processes to make them inclusive of people from low socio-economic backgrounds.

The core metric we are tracking for this is the number of people from low socio-economic backgrounds who have been offered a tech role (as a raw number and as a percentage of the overall sample).

If you choose this pledge:

  • We can support you with our Employer Activity Framework.
  • Help you learn and collaborate with other employers who are doing the same through our working groups.
  • Connect you to organisations who can help you connect with and recruit from these target groups.

Creating an inclusive culture where people from all socio-economic backgrounds thrive and progress

Creating an inclusive culture where people from all socio-economic backgrounds thrive and progress

This pledge relates to our change pillar, Retention and Progression. It focuses on ensuring that talent from low socio-economic backgrounds is not being driven away or blocked in tenure or professional development because of factors that solely relate to their background.

Our core metric for this is the number and percentage of tech employees at the senior most level of the organisation who are from low socio-economic backgrounds.

If you choose this pledge:

  • We can support you with our Employer Activity Framework.
  • Help you learn and collaborate with other employers who are doing the same through our working groups.

Measuring socio-economic diversity in your tech workforce

Measuring socio-economic diversity in your tech workforce

We believe in the importance of good data on social mobility. We encourage our signatories to measure socio-economic diversity and will conduct an annual survey on this with employers. Our core metric for this Change Pillar is the number of employers who are measuring socio-economic background, whether or not you share this data with us.

However, if you can’t participate in this requirement because of internal policies, we don’t want this to stop you joining. You can select pledges from the remaining four options to meet your minimum requirement of three pledges.

If you choose this pledge:

  • We can support you with our Employer Activity Framework.
  • Help you learn and collaborate with other employers who are doing the same through our working groups.
  • Guide you in how to start measuring socio-economic diversity and connect you with other organisations who can also do the same.

Make a charitable donation towards the running of the Tech Future Taskforce.

Make a charitable donation towards the running of the Tech Future Taskforce.

We want Tech Future to be run by tech employers, for tech employers. We believe it’s a strong signal of meaningful support when employers are willing to contribute to the sustainability of Tech Future. Therefore, we ask for a donation to be made to the Sutton Trust, who own the Tech Future Taskforce in order to help keep us running. The requested donation amounts ranges from £500 per year to £1,500 per year based on your company size. If you want your organisation to play a more significant role in the Taskforce, you can contact us to become a Patron of the Taskforce.

Company size Donation amount
Small / micro businesses of 1 – 50 employees £500
Medium size businesses of 51 – 250 employees £1,000
Large enterprises of 251 employees or more £1,500
Charities and non profits £0


Helping you deliver through our community partners

The Tech Future Taskforce also is working with leading social mobility organisations to join up the effort between initiatives and develop a strong community of practice between industry, policy and non-profit activities. The Tech Future Taskforce is proud to already be working with:


Ready to get involved and find out more?

We're grateful for the support of these organisations, whose funding enables us to run Tech Future for the benefit of the wider tech ecosystem.